KSh900.00 + VAT
NEELKANTH HYDRATED LIMEGOLD PROCESSING – This is a large consumer of lime reagents in various forms. Its role in gold processing is mainly as a pH control agent for optimal cyanidation leaching of gold, as well as a neutralization agent in refractory gold processing via acidic oxidation routes.LEATHER TANNERY : Essential for the liming process to swell and open up the hide fibers. it helps facilitates the removal of hair, fats and proteins CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING: A variety of chemicals are manufactured with hydrated lime as a basic component. Included are bromide, caustic soda, fluoride, magnesia, lactate, nitrate, oleate, and stearate. Many organic and inorganic calcium salts, such as calcium carbide, calcium hypochlorite, calcium magnesium acetate, and calcium phosphate, begin production with hydrated lime. Hydrated lime also plays a role in citric acid purificationSTEEL MANUFACTURING: The largest scale use of lime is in the steel industry, where hydrated lime neutralizes impurities in plants where coke is a by-product. Steel plates are often sheathed in hydrated lime since it acts as an effective short-term barrier to oxygen corrosion.MASONARY MANUFACTURING: Hydrated lime is used to bind with sand to form plaster and stucco. Adding 15% hydrated lime to cement significantly reduces shrinkage and cracking. Road and building foundations, earthen dams, and airfields all rely on hydrated limeBAKING POWDER CREATION: Baking powder (monocalcium phosphate) is a reaction of phosphoric acid with high calcium lime.